회전근개 파열 승인사례 알림

■ 근골격계질환은 근무기간이 길어야만 승인이 날까요? 아닙니다! 근무기간이 길면 업무관련성을 인정받는데 유리하겠지만 꼭 근무기간이 길어야만 승인되는 것은 아닙니다. 어깨를 들어올리는 작업을 주로하셨던 기술직 근로자의 승인사례를 소개합니다. 위 재해자의 근무기간은 약 4년이었으며 수술을 받아야 할 정도로 급속히 상태가 악화되어 산재로 인정받기 위해 노무사에게 연락을 주셨습니다. 작업 동영상, 업무일지를 통해 어깨부담작업의 작업자세, 수행량 등을 면밀히 입증하여 승인받은 … Read more

National compensation from WCI shall be given when occuring an accident on commuting.

INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMPENSATION INSURANCE ACT Article 37 (Standards for Recognition of Occupational Accidents) (1) If an employee suffers any injury, disease, or disability or dies due to any of the following causes, it shall be deemed an occupational accident: Provided, That this shall not apply where there is no proximate causal relation between his or her … Read more

허리디스크, 추간판 탈출증 승인사례 알림

육가공종사자의 M511 허리디스크, 요추 추간판탈출증, 업무상 질병으로 인정받았습니다. 주치의가 산재 소견서 발급을 거부하고 사업장도 협조가 되지 않아 오로지 재해자의 진술만으로 재해발생경위를 조사해야했던 쉽지 않은 사건이었지만 승인되었습니다^^ 근골격계질환은 퇴행성으로 보아 보상받기가 어려울 것이라며 산재신청을 포기하지마시길 바랍니다. The slipped disk(herniation of lumbar disk) occurred to meat processing factory worker is successfully determined as a work-related disease. He … Read more

■ What is WCI(Workers’ Compensation Insurance)?

WCI scheme is a social security scheme to compensate a worker exposed to a work-related accident for his/her consequent injury or disease on a timely, fair basis, and thereby, subsequently facilitate his/her rehabilitation and return to society. It’s an employer, not his/her worker as beneficiary, that shall register with the WCI scheme; any workplace with … Read more

The basic korean labor law : The act related to RELEASE

■ ACT ON THE EMPLOYMENT, ETC. OF FOREIGN WORKERS Article 25 (Permission for Change of Business or Place of Business)(1) Where any of the following events occur, a foreign worker (excluding a foreign worker under Article 12 (1)) may file an application for change of business or place of business with the head of an … Read more

■ Consultation Service open(Paid Service)

■ Now, we are offering consultation service If you have questions about korean labor law,(Company regulations, Unfair dismissal, Overdue wage, Industrial accident, Release, etc.) you can contact us anytime, anywhere. We offer the consultation service through □ Kakao Talk (Searching ID Osolgil) □ Facebook Messenger □ E-mail □ Call, 010-4964-6812 ■ We promise you to … Read more

Industrial Accident : Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Noise-induced Hearing Loss(NIHL) is caused by being around loud noises. If you have worked being around loud noises over 3 years and felt uncomfortable with hearing, the hearing loss might be NIHL and might be judged as industrial accident. (Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service compensates the worker for industrial accident) Examples of occupation NIHL … Read more

The korean labor law being amended in 2018.

A. The Accident During Commuting.(출퇴근재해) [BEFORE] Only the accident during commuting under the control of employer is recognized as an industrial accident. Only the accident during commuting by the means offered by employer is recognized as industrial accident. [FROM 2018] The accidents during commuting is recognized as a industrial accident. Regardless of the means of … Read more

Industrial Action

If the Industrial action is justifiable, it will be protected by civil and criminal indemnification and a prohibition on unfavorable treatment.

But It doesn’t mean that civil and criminal liability and unfavorable treatment like discplinary punishment resulting from unjustifiable Industrial action are always justified. The conditions for civil and criminal liability and unfavorable treatment are to be needed relatively.


Justification of Industrial action should be reviewed in four(4) aspects of AGENT, PURPOSE, TIMING AND PROCEDURE, METHOD.

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Check lists for between employers and employees(Employment Contract, Weekly holiday benefit)

1. Employment Contract An Employment contract should be issued to the employee in written form. And the contract should include the information about main working conditions in accordance with Labor Standard Act Article 17. If not, the employer will be fined up to 5,000,000won. ***And if the working conditions on the contract are not up … Read more